Friday, December 18, 2009

Top Ten Friday

Welcome to another edition of Top Ten Friday where I break it down.

Thanks to my friends at The I am able to share with you the following reasons why Santa has had to downsize Christmas in 2009. Even Santa is being affected by the world around us…sorry to burst your bubble

Top Ten Reasons Santa is Downsizing This Year

10. Santa lost the rights to the name "Santa Claus” after a messy divorce with Mrs. Claus.

9. Sleigh insurance went up 75% after Santa’s spiked eggnog incident last year.

8. After discontinuing the "checking it twice" procedure (due to budget cuts) the North Pole had to launch an expensive PR campaign because of the Unfortunate Gift Delivery Incident of 2008 to Lindsey Lohan.

7. Gifts will take three times longer to deliver because Rudolph decided he is “just not feeling it this year.”

6. The Elf pension fund was wiped out after a misguided investment with Bernard Madoff.

5. The attempt to sell "good boy and good girl list positions" were revealed in the FBI Rod Blagojevich investigation.

4. The North Pole is no longer able to outsource it’s workload to the Chinese elves after reindeer was discovered as a major part of their diet.

3. The North Pole melting, due to global warming, caused massive flooding in the elves workshops…still waiting for FEMA trailers.

2. Messy scandal: T'was the eve after Thanksgiving and Santa was caught on video by TMZ with only one "Ho."

And last but definitely not least, the number one reason why Santa is downsizing this year…



  1. Sooo funny! Thanks for sharing :) Stopping by from SITS!

  2. Now that is a funny list! Especially loved the FEMA trailers:)
    Stopped by from SITS.



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