Thursday, December 10, 2009

Always Sometimes Never


...Struggle to get out of bed in the morning, whether I wake up on my own or by an alarm.

...Get excited when a KISS song comes on the radio or my iPod.

...Love the idea of an adult beverage…it’s 5pm somewhere, right?

...Dread going into the office even though I like my job.

...Say yes to the prospect of a blind date, even though I have never, and I mean NEVER, been on a good one.

...Want to suggle.

...Question the decisions I make in my personal life.

...Have a special someone in my life that I constantly think about. One day it could be my kids, or friends, or a secret lover…but no matter what, I am always thinking about someone else.


...Wonder what my life would be like now if I had done a few things different.

...Talk to myself at work.

...Miss people too much…especially people whom I know I shouldn’t miss.

...Make decisions because it’s what I want, not because it is what is right.

...Love to much.

...Need to spend an entire day alone in order to regroup.

...Fee; the need to be a rebel even though the consequences of this behavior is often not good.

...Eat ice cream for dinner.


...Wear underwear (well, except when I am in a dressing room trying on clothes)

...Spank my kids

...Used to like cooked spinach until I cooked it myself recently, now I’m addicted.

...Want to forget what it feels like to fall in love.

...Get tired of hearing my kids giggle.

...Get tired of kissing.

...Go to bed angry.

...Have enough hours in the day.


  1. I love this post! I especially believe in not going to bed angry. I think it's made a big difference in my relationships.

    As for the kids giggling. When my 1yr old wakes me at midnight yet again... it's that giggle that melts my heart and makes me smile instead of going crazy.

    Stopping by from SITS!

  2. You like KISS? Perhaps I misjudged you. Badly.



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