Monday, July 27, 2009

Four and four

I recently saw this on my friend Matt’s blog, The Blind Writer, and thought it would be fun to try. Here is what you do. Go to the picture file on your computer, open the fourth folder and the fourth picture in that folder. Now blog about it…

This is me and my friend Steve. Every time I see this picture, I have to laugh. We don’t go out often but when we do we have a blast. His friends and my friends all love the Flying Toasters, a local live band that we try to see as much as possible. This night we were at a Flying Toasters show and dancing our butts off. In this picture I think I was so hot and sweaty and he caught me pulling my shirt out and blowing on my chest to cool off. This of course brought on the hysterical laughter. Anyway, this particular shot often reminds me that I don’t spend enough time laughing. After all, it is the best medicine, right? So if it is the best medicine then how come we don’t do it more often?

What I have learned in the past is that laughter can do many good things for me. It can bring people that I love together. It makes me feel good. It sometimes makes me change my perspective. It is a natural defense against bull shit. It is healing and it can often relieve stress. If this is all true then why don’t we spend more time doing it? I have heard it said before that when you lose your laugh, you lose your footing. I think that this statement is so true. If you can’t laugh…then in reality, what do you have?

I often use this picture as a reminder to not take life so seriously, to enjoy the sillier things that may come my way. There is nothing better or more healing than laughter. So go ahead and try it…I dare you to challenge yourself to laugh more often and find the humor in every day occurrences! After all, the only downfall I can see to laughter is that if it is done to hard, it could induce sudden peeing of the pants!

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