Thursday, April 1, 2010

This day is bananas, B. A. N. A. N. A. S

Spring has finally sprung here in the midwest!

Yippee Skippy!

It’s this time of year that I tend to spend a lot of time taking stock of the “stuff” in my house. If your house is anything like mine, it is filled with things that you can’t seem to live without. It's filled with things I have spent my entire life carefully picking and gathering together, so that now, in the full radiance of middle age, I can spend my spare time trying to create a clear path to move from one room to the next without tripping over something and breaking a leg.

While cleaning out the linen closet this past weekend I started to relate this thing we call “Spring Cleaning” not only to my house but to my life as well. And when I started thinking of it in these terms my mind was immediately cluttered with things that I need less of in my life in order to make room for the things I need more of.

In fact, isn’t that what Spring Cleaning is all about? Out with the old, in with the new?

So here it is, for your reading enjoyment, I give you the “clutter” in my life that I need to clear away…

Guilt trips, dirty dishes, self critique, bad news, obligations, carbohydrates, buzz words, pants that don’t fit, monthly payments, clutter, cable TV, lattes, extra calories, newspapers and magazines, healthcare talk, the 40 hour work week, impulsive spending, junk food, being micromanaged, seeing Lady Gaga in the media, Ed Hardy fashion, the revival of the worst trends from the 80’s (ala Katie Holmes and the rolled jeans), coverage of celebrity marriage infidelity, crocs and constant updates on the Kardashian family.

…in order to make room for the things in my life that I need more of…

Discipline, weekends, warm days, emergency contacts, perfect albums, motivation, leafy greens, sleep, love, PDA, window shopping, bells and whistles, privacy (two boys under the age of 9 often makes it tough to get quality bathroom time by myself without, of course hearing, mooooommmmmmmm!), prepared food, gifts, sweet notes, compliments, fancy dates (ok, who am I kidding, dates in general), SEX, exercise, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, faith, and time to pursue my passion of writing.

This, my friends, was a weekend spring cleaning of the home, the heart and the habit…for the first time in a long time, I feel just like myself again.

Hello Spring!

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