Monday, March 7, 2011

To ink or not to ink...Part II

So yesterday, I went to a local tattoo salon with every intention of getting my first tattoo to help ring in my 40th birthday.

But, I chickened out.

Why did I chicken out, you might ask?

Well…I was telling the Hot Fireman that I was going to go and his reaction kind of freaked me out. He’s a tattoo kind of guy, so me getting one is not an issue for him, but when I told him where I was going to get my tattoo (on the back of my neck), he said he had “no comment”.

This kind of freaked me out, and made me start thinking…

Is the back of the neck not a good place for a tattoo? Is it overly painful? Is it like the earring fad of the late 80’s…tattoo on the ankle means your straight, tattoo on the back of the neck means you’re a gay? Do only losers get tattoos on the back of their necks? Do I really want to ink? Am I wanting a tattoo for the right reasons?

You know questions like that.

So I walked out of the salon without going through with it. I decided to give myself another week to think about it.

And thank God I did!

You see, I just saw that Charlie Sheen’s goddesses are “branding themselves” in honor of their love for Mr. Tiger Blood.

And this is what they are doing…

Clearly this has made my decision so much easier. I have already emailed Mr. Tiger Blood’s people to see if I can get a copy of his signature for my tattoo next week.


Look out 40…here I come!


  1. "I'm bi-winning...I win here and I win there" I think you should get that quote tattooed around your bicep!

  2. OMG I just turned 40 and decided to get my first tattoo. Considering winning duh, on the inside of my wrist. Makes me laugh everytime I hear it, plus I'm winning!
    Moeff - Indiana



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