Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Through the eyes of a mother

I hate it when I let more than a few days fall between my blog posts. I start to feel guilty after about 24-48 hours of not posting. I feel guilty because I am so ADD that if people don’t post a few times a week on their blogs, I tend to lose interest, and I don’t want anyone losing interest in my fabulous stories!

For that…I apologize!

And to make up for it, I have another great Gibson story to tell you. For those of you that don’t know me or my family very well, Gibson is my 7 year old. He is a very fun loving, energetic, emotional child. He reminds me a lot of myself at his age. Oh, who am I kidding, he reminds me of myself now as a 40 year old woman.

He just wants to be loved and accepted by everyone and if he gets the slightest indication that you may not like him, he takes it very personal and sometimes finds it difficult to recover from that emotionally. He is funny…actually, he is hysterical! (he gets that from me) He gets frustrated easy. (he gets that from his dad) But my favorite thing about him is his creativity. He loves to draw, write, and make mini movies.

A couple of weeks ago, I took Gibson and Hamilton, my 10 year old, to our local 4th of July community festival. One of the booths at this festival was a caricature booth. You know, the place where you sit in a chair for 10 minutes and the artists creates an overly large, comical rendition of your face. I love these kinds of whimsical things. So I forked out the $20 a piece and had the artist do individual pictures of the boys.

Here is Gibson…

…Isn’t he cute? I love his freckles!

And this is Hamilton…

…he is so grown up, it makes me want to cry.

And this, my dear friends, is a caricature of me, drawn by Gibson.

I know, I know, it made you want to throw up in your mouth a little didn’t it? Only a mom could love this picture as much as I do, but if I were being honest with you, every time I look at it, I can’t help but think of this…

…and that makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

But that’s my life…and I love it

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